Hi, I’m Dr Oliver Wilkie and have recently joined the VetLove veterinary team at Billinudgel. I was born in Adelaide, where I went to school and university.
From a young age I was always interested in animals, doing work experience with my next-door neighbour at his clinic and agricultural school. Upon graduating, I started work in Western Australia and was there for two years before starting here in Billinudgel.
I have a keen interest in dentistry and medicine.
Outside of work, I especially enjoy my time in the water. I am a keen surfer and when I’m not in the clinic try and spend my time down at the beach. I also enjoy mountain bike riding, football, gym and bush walking.
I would always come to the Northern Rivers area for holidays with my parents as a kid and dreamed of moving up here one day to live. I am very excited about the move and starting my work here at VetLove.