There must be something in the air! This month VetLove Jimboomba has surgically assisted four caesarean births.
Most caesarean sections in dogs are unplanned. The female dog has often been in labour for several hours, and is likely to be distressed, dehydrated and in some cases in shock. Once admitted for a C-section, the abdomen is opened and the uterus is brought to the surface. The vet can now remove the puppies and the placentas. The placentas should always be counted to ensure none remain in the uterus, as this can lead to an infection. This is where the wonderful expertise of our vet nurses brings the puppies to life. They are clamped off, cleaned, rubbed and resuscitated until the first crying breath is heard; one of the most rewarding sounds for a veterinary nurse. Once they are all cleaned, warmed up and cuddly, they are put with mum as soon as she has fully recovered from her anaesthetic to feed.
Like us, not all animals can deliver their young without incident. If you are considering breeding your pet, please speak to your vet first about the risks associated with breeding as it can be costly and stressful, especially if an afterhours emergency caesarean is required.