Wow! What a mad year 2020 has been. We are so very humbled and grateful for enduring 2020 with huge thanks to YOU, our beloved clients. Your love of all creatures great and small has got us through dark and difficult times. VetLove is more in love with our patients, clients and staff than ever, and we remain steadfast and strong thanks to your support.
VetLove’s 2020!
At the very beginning of the year we welcomed home from Antarctica our adventurous Dr Geoff Wilson after the longest solo Polar Journey in human history (click here to learn more about his journey ). Raising close to AUD$500,000 for the McGrath Foundation since 2013.
During December 2019 & January 2020, each of our VetLove clinics proudly came together and offered to raise funds for our beloved Australian wildlife. Together with our generous clients, we raised a total of $6261.30 which we donated in February 2020 (click here to read more).
We introduced home delivery, phone & video consultations to assist all our clients struggling with COVID-19 restrictions. We also joined with the RSPCA in offering discounted desexing for 3 months across QLD; NSW supported the National Desexing Network in September 2020.
Our Vets and Nurses have laboured often under difficult conditions and heavy workload to provide loving Vetcare and cuddles by the tonne in 2020.
With love and compassion in our hearts and a strong focus on sustained mental health this year, our VetLove name stands for more than just veterinary care. With rapid innovation, continuous education and improvement in all standards of care, medicine and surgery VetLove have improved our service to our patients this year despite all the challenges thrown our way.
Daily we strive to make a difference within our industry and to improve our level of care to all your beloved pets.
Our loyal clients have generously welcomed us into their hearts, hands and at times their homes and without their support and love for their pets, small and large – we wouldn’t be where we are now with the toughest year still not over!
So, in the spirit of generosity at Christmas, we want to give a little LOVE back!
Friends of VetLove have joined with us to make VetLove’s FIRST 12 days of Christmas extra special for you all!