We all love our pets to be part of Christmas celebrations, but we need to be extra careful during this time as there are so many unknown dangers.
Christmas week is a busy time for tummy upsets at our VetLove clinics. Fatty, rich food like ham offcuts, ham bones, trimmed steak and sausages left over from celebrations are usually the perpetrators. Haemorrhagic Gastro Enteritis (or ‘HE’ as we call it), internal obstructions and pancreatitis can result, with potentially fatal outcomes. Many of the side effects require medical attention and hospital stays. If you must share some treats this season, then dog/cat specific ‘healthy’ treats are best
Chocolate also seems to be in abundance at Christmas time and is hard to avoid, however, it’s important to keep chocolate out of reach from our pets. Theobromines in chocolate will cause seizures and heart failure. If any is eaten, get your pet to you regular vet (or emergency clinic), where vomiting can be induced. The sooner the chocolate is vomited, the less toxin is absorbed, and the better the chances of survival.
While everyone loves to receive flowers, be aware that certain types of flowers, such as lilies, are poisonous to cats and cause kidney failure. Keep these flowers away from the home if you can.
These are just some of the things you need to be aware of, so you can plan ahead for a safe and happy Christmas for both you and your furry family members.