Our News
At VetLove, we treat your pet as a member of our family
with the same love and care we would give our own pets
A new home for Beau
Beau presented to the Bardon clinic in early May as his mum had noticed that he was no longer jumping up onto the...
Patient of the Month: Lovely Little Lilo!
We first met Lilo at nine weeks for her initial vaccine and health check. Even though she was bouncy and full of...
Meet Tayzie
Tayzie got in a sticky situation this week! He came in the other day for excessive salivating and really smelly breath...
Meet Pho (pronounced Poh)
A gorgeous two-year-old Jack Russell X Terrier. Naughty Pho escaped out of his yard one day and went missing for just...
Meet PC – The Peacock
PC is a free-roaming peacock (male) – peafowl (female) – scientific name Afropavo/Pavo – who turned up at one of his...
Meet Midnight: Not all kittens are superheroes
Midnight is a gorgeous little 12-week-old kitten, who used up one of his nine lives when he jumped/fell from a high...
It’s raining dogs
There must be something in the air! This month VetLove Jimboomba has surgically assisted four caesarean births. Most...
Meet Jessie
Jessie is a gorgeous 13-year-old mini Groodle. Her lovely owner found her one afternoon vomiting in the back yard and...
Triple whammy for Princess the greyhound
Princess, a retired seven-and-a-half-year-old racing greyhound, came into VetLove Southside recently with a severe...
Kiss bad breath goodbye!
Over 80 per cent of dogs and 70 per cent of cats will have dental disease by the age of three. The reality is, most of...
The facts about giving bones
Warning: Large bones can break teeth, so always supervise your dog when eating raw bones. Dogs and bones seem a...
Dusty – sultana/grape toxicity
Dusty is a gorgeous, energetic, but mischievous five-month-old Kelpie puppy. Dusty is like most puppies her age,...
We are very proud!
Big shout out to our Locum veterinarain Dr Steve, he and a group of very talented vets have trekked all the way over...
Lumps and bumps on your pets should not be ignored
Lumps and bumps are a very common occurrence in pets both young and old, but especially in our ageing animals. It’s a...
Dogs and chocolate are a deadly combination, even a small amount of chocolate can be very dangerous. Cats don’t tend...